I sell varigated ornamental plants in the southern flower area of West Jakarta plants for sale best suculent sansieviera boncel variegated.

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I sell varigated ornamental plants in the southern flower area of West Jakarta plants for sale best suculent sansieviera boncel variegated.
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sanseviera boncel varigated is a suculent ornamental plant,
sansevierl from the African continent of the genetic cylindrical type patula long-leaved round like a dark green totol-patterned stick that is crossed with other types of sansieviera so that a new type of patula is obtained.
type boncel more short-leaved such as midget,
the name of the original boncel from Indonesia from tangerang group sanseviera comunitas. there are many types of new type of boncel sanseviera that have been circulating in addition to this type, for example the type of boncel c-01, type platinum, type hibryd thailand and others.
all plants in the post you can buy please contact in the order field